Thursday, December 21, 2006

Part 23 - Chapter 2 - Compromise

"What's going on here?" Andrew asked as he walked into the break room where Hector was sitting alone at the table circling ads in the classifieds.

"Don't tell me you're looking at the want ads."

"And make your dream come true? I don't think so," Hector replied. "Actually, I'm looking at the real estate listings. I'm planning on moving."


"You're just dying to throw a going away party for me, aren't you?" Hector said as he folded up his newspaper. "I bet you have the party streamers bought and the invitations all ready to be sent."

"If I did, you wouldn't be getting one. The party doesn't begin until you're out of here for good."

Hector just laughed and walked out of the room.

Amanda passed Hector going out as she entered the break room. She hesitated a second, seeing Andrew and then turned away and went about her work.

Andrew sighed. Amanda had barely said two words to him all day. He couldn't really blame her for being cold towards him. He hadn't been a very good husband lately and he needed to make up for that.

"You look nice today. Did you do something different with your hair?"

"No, it's the same as always."

He tried again. "I was thinking, why don't we take a long lunch today and go out somewhere nice to eat?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Amanda." He sighed again. "I'm sorry about last night. I'm sorry I walked out instead of talking to you, but I just couldn't stand having the same argument again."

"I'm tired of it too, especially when there's really nothing to discuss . . ." she trailed off for a moment, then decided to speak her mind. "It's just me, really. I wish I could be happy with what we have, like you are, but I just can't stop thinking about the things we don't have."

"Like what?"

"Like a house, a baby. Don't you want those things too?"

"Sure I do."

"You don't act like it sometimes." As Amanda spoke she heard someone the front door open. "I have to get back to work."

He knew Amanda nagged him a lot, but he didn't realized these things bothered her so much. He had to do something to make it up to her.

Edward was greeted by Amanda at the reception desk. When he told her he was there to see Lawrence, she called back to the office.

"Mr. Arrendale will see you now. Go right on through, Dr. Wilton."

When Edward walked into the private office, Lawrence rose to greet him with a handshake. "What brings you here, Edward? Good news, I hope."

"Yes, I think it is good news. I have an idea for our project that might make everyone happy."

"Have a seat," Lawrence said. He was very interested to find out what Edward had come up with.

Zara knocked on the partially opened door to Thomas' room. "Hey, I heard you wanted to talk to me."

"I do," Thomas said as he turned to face her. "I did a little research on Lawrence Arrendale and found an interesting story about him. It seems he had an uncle who went by the alias Sebastian Barrett. Does that name sound familiar to you?"

Zara looked away a moment. Her secret was out. "Yes, he's my father."

"So that would make you and Mr. Arrendale . . ."

"Cousins," she finished his sentence.

Before she could explain, Thomas continued. "Then it is true. So is that why I saw him at your house? Is that the real reason why you've been dragging your feet on this project?"


"So why didn't you say anything before?"

"Because, I didn't think it mattered." She continued quickly before Thomas could object. "I barely know Lawrence. I only found out about him and my dad's real identity recently and I haven't had much contact with him since. The reason I've had reservations about your plan is because I don't like the idea of blackmailing anyone, even if it is for a good cause ultimately."

"We'll never get anything accomplished by thinking that way."

"I think we can," she insisted. "I promise you I am devoted to protecting Autumn Bay and I am totally against the building project no matter who is behind it or how they might be related to me. But I also believe in doing the right thing always and I'm not going to compromise that."

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