Sunday, November 30, 2008

Part 33 - Chapter 6 - The People You Miss

"Aren't you going to ask where we're going?" Lawrence asked Eileen who was staring out the passenger window.

"Oh, where are we going?"

"There's something I want to show you. It's a surprise."

"Really? In that case, I shouldn't ask. I don't want to ruin it."

"Ok. So how was your day?"

"Busy," Eileen replied. "I didn't get as much done for the wedding as I would have liked though. I talked to Chloe and she said she would be in the wedding. Then I went to talk to Lucy."

"How did that go?"

Eileen hesitated, not sure how to answer that. "Better than I thought, and worse . . . She invited me in, we talked, and patched things up between us, but it sounds like she's going through a really tough time right now. She and Craig are getting a divorce and she's having another baby. She seemed so lonely and depressed. I ended up staying there and talking with her for a long time."

"That's too bad about Lucy and Craig. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Me too. I'm glad I stopped by though, so I could be there for her." When Eileen looked outside, she suddenly realized where they were headed. "Are we going to Arrendale Heights? Are we going to see the house?"

"Yes, we're going home."

Eileen gasped as Lawrence pulled the car into the driveway. As soon as it stopped she jumped out to get a better view of the house.

"It's beautiful. I know we talked about what it was going to be like, but I could never picture it. Now, here it is, right in front of me."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it. I wish I could move in right now."

"So do I, but you will soon enough." After his conversation with Arthur at the office and hearing the way his future father-in-law talked about 'the time he had left,' Lawrence was starting to think that it might be a good thing that they were waiting to have a wedding to start living as husband and wife, that way Eileen and Arthur could spend a little extra time together while they had the chance. "Come on, let's take a look at the inside."

"This place is amazing, James," Zara remarked as she looked around the club. "I could definitely see myself hanging out here. I'm sure it's going to be a huge success."

"Thanks. I hope it is. I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this place, that's for sure," James replied. "And hey, if you need an excuse to hang out here, I could use some extra help at the bar or with the bands. I've put an ad out, but I'd rather hire someone I know instead of someone I don't know."

"Sounds cool, but I don't think I have the time for it."

"I'm interested," Cassie spoke up. "Working at the diner is getting old and I could use some extra money."

"Alright, we'll talk about it. In the meantime, you want to check out the rest of the place?"

"You go on ahead," Blaine said as the group stood up and headed towards the back of the room. "I'd like to talk to Cassie a minute, if you don't mind."

"Not at all," Cassie replied eagerly. "We'll catch up."

"So, how have you been?" Blaine asked as James and Zara walked away.

"Great. And you?"

"Alright, I guess. I've been thinking a lot about the last time we talked. I'm sorry things got so awkward."

"I'm not. I mean, I was at first, but I was thinking it's better to have everything out in the open."

"Yeah, me too. I was thinking that maybe I should keep my distance for awhile, so you wouldn't get the wrong idea, but I've really missed hanging out with you. I was hoping we could be friends again."

"I don't think that's possible, Blaine," Cassie said with a shrug. "I think there's already too much between us, under the surface. Already we can't keep away from each other. When we try, we just end up meeting, like today. It's Fate. The Universe is just going to throwing us together until we can both see what's right in front of us. I know that it isn't just friendship. So why try to keep it from being what it really is?"

Blaine looked confused. "So you don't want to be friends anymore?"

"Not if you think that's all we ever can be. Not if you aren't at least open to the possibility of being something more, someday. I'm sorry, but I can't be just friends. I wish I could, but I just can't do it."


  1. Two parts to these comments because they were too long to put in one post. Mostly to me having conversations with my commenters. ;)



    This is a great episode, Em!

    I just love lots of good drama - and this episode has lots of it.

    So nice to see Eileen and Lawrence's new house. It's really nice - did you build it yourself? I've been waiting a long time for them to get together - hopefully they'll have lots of happiness.

    Amanda's over eagerness just might reveal her deceptions. She needs to tone it down a notch - Reese is already getting suspicious.

    I love the ladies' clothes in this episode - Eileen's, Cassie's, and Zara's tops - so cute!

    Cassie is such a quirky cutie. I can't wait to see what Blaine's response will be to her.

    I always thought Logan was a cutie. I'm glad to see him getting more air time and developing a love interest in Vanessa. And Silas must not escape!

    So happy that Eileen and Lucy are patching things up. Poor Lucy to be so miserable. I hope she's able to handle the wedding okay.

    Great job, Em!
    Anonymous | 01.17.09 - 12:01 am | #


    Darn it - I typed my name in. That above comment was me
    Ariana | 01.17.09 - 12:02 am | #


    Thanks, Ari!

    Yes, I built Lawrence and Eileen's house, long ago when I first got the game. I've been waiting a long time for them to move into it.

    The clothes I didn't make. I don't remember where I downloaded them from right now.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting!
    Em | Homepage | 01.17.09 - 11:10 am | #

  2. Part 33

    Whoopie! Great episode! So much drama! I can't wait to see what happens with Silas and the mystery blond...and Reese and the baby and Lucy and the baby and the wedding!!! wowie wow!

    Great work!
    starrsim | Homepage | 12.02.08 - 8:01 pm | #


    Its brilliant, I won't lie, but there's just one thing I don't get. Why have you changed the character's skin tones? Some look okay, like Cassie, but others look totally bizarre, like Logan and Lawrence. Please can we go back to the familiar faces we've grown to love?
    simfan45 | 12.03.08 - 1:01 am | #


    I've been playing around with default repacements. I always see these great looking screenshots with custom skins, but they never look as great in my game. I agree some sims wear them better than others. But I didn't think any of them looked that bad or that different with the replacements I'm using (not the same can be said for other skins I've tried. Yikes!).

    Thanks for the comments, both of you!
    Em | Homepage | 12.03.08 - 5:19 pm | #


    Hey, me again. I have two random questions to ask. One, where did you find Cassie's hair? It looks so amazing on her, and I'd love to get it for one of the characters in my own soapie. Two, did I miss something? Or are we still going to find out who murdered Clifford? Is that still coming?

    Thanks, and keep up the good work
    simfan45 | 12.10.08 - 8:41 am | #


    Her hair is from Rosesims2. ros...rosehair_10.htm I had it in my game forever, waiting for the chance to put it on her. I can't believe I didn't just do it sooner. I like it so much better on her than her old hair.

    You have a story. Is it online? If so, what's the link?

    I kind of implied that Clifford's murderer could be connected with what Logan was investigating. But I decided to drop that storyline because it would have involved too many new characters that I couldn't tie in with my current characters and I didn't want to take away from my current characters storylines. So I kind of let it drop for now. That's one thing I really hate to leave unresolved though.
    Em | Homepage | 12.11.08 - 9:50 am | #


    Got Cassie's hair, and it is awesome. Unfortunately, due to my technological ignorance, my story is not online, but I'm working on it.

    I'm so anxious to find out who Clifford's murderer is, please explore it further. A friend and I have even bet on it, we think it's between Veronica and Audrey (Don't ask why Audrey, her reasoning is flawed)

    Speaking of which, will we be seeing Audrey again anytime soon? I miss her.

    Thanks again
    simfan45 | 12.13.08 - 3:23 pm | #


    Sorry, I missed the second half of your message the first time. My e-mail sometimes cuts it off. Those are interesting guesses. I don't want to give too much away, but someone from past episodes will be returning, but I don't want to say who.
    Em | Homepage | 12.29.08 - 7:30 pm | #
