Saturday, May 9, 2009

Behind the Scenes - Part 2

Blaine is not the Mr. Nice Guy that he seems to be...

He checks out someone at the bar.

I tell him to say goodbye to Zara and this is how he chooses to do so. As if his love life wasn't complicated enough!

I catch him craning his neck to check out Cassie when he's supposed to be on a date with Reese. Doesn't it look like Reese should just reach out and slap him?

Sometimes my sims tend to overreact or maybe it's just over-acting.

"Eek, it's Eileen!" Not quite the "embarrassed" reaction I was going for.

Eileen hides her eyes. "I can't look!"

Audrey is quite the drama queen. "Oh the drama of it all!"

James is shocked by this turn of events. I was afraid his face was going to stick that way!

Lawrence and Hector show their concern when Arthur faints at Lucy's wedding.

Maybe it wasn't just concern about him fainting, maybe Chloe standing on his head, laughing had something to do with it.

Fun times on campus

Randy pouts when Blaine gets to use the computer instead of him.

Hey, everyone, Randy's back from class! His arrival trumps the partying going on.

Let's do the smustle! Eileen looks very disturbed by the dancing going on at this frat party.

Highlights at the rock concert

Cassie and Reese have differing tastes in music. Reese: "This music stinks!" Cassie: "Seriously? You're crazy!"

Poor Cassie tries to desperately to get Blaine's attention.

Finally she takes the direct approach. She just picks him up and carries him home. (Another bizarre moveobjects on mishap.)

Here's the band that was playing on stage during the concert. We didn't get to see much of them in the episode.

It's a wild night at Londoste during Blaine and Reese's date. Notice Blaine didn't get any food either? This is why I avoid filming scenes at community lots.

Here's what happens behind closed doors on the S-T Corp lot. Andrew serenades his wife and Reese shows her disapproval. "Excuse me, this is supposed to be the workplace. Save your PDAs for home, please."

Edward seems very confused when Alma mops the back porch after her dinner party.

The office drones . . . Occasionally everyone's animations around the table (in this case in the boardroom, get in sync.)

Craig loses it... Hello, little friend! You won't become my enemy like James!

Yikes! Being pregnant must be very uncomfortable for Lucy. Doesn't she look miserable?

Officer Demi: "No, I'm sorry, sir. She's not here. She's already gone to the hospital." Craig is just thinking about his new baby.

Alma and Vanessa visit their mother's plot at the cemetary and . . . have a pillow fight over her grave.

Pointing fingers . . . They're supposed to be having an argument, but they can't stop grinning at each other.

Lawrence is either trying out his karate moves, or trying to defend himself from Hector.

Remind me again, who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in this soap? Sometimes it's just not clear.

Sneaky Lawrence, he looks so villanous.

The Evil Dr. Wilton. What are you glaring at me for? Edward is scary.

Eileen and Nurse Sal drop by Veronica's office just to see what's going on.

Arthur gazes at a portrait of himself and his late wife in their younger days. Veronica is just acting goofy. She's sort of a ham.

I just love their expressions in this picture! Especially Audrey's.

I spy someone outside the Jordans' kitchen window. Who really threw the paint filled water balloon? It's Victoria Burgess!

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